Home > Adventures in Art & Science - S.T.E.A.M. Fun Lab 1 - July 1 - 3
Adventures in Art & Science - S.T.E.A.M. Fun Lab 1 - July 1 - 3
Product Description

Adventures in Art & Science - S.T.E.A.M. Fun Lab 1
Ages 6-10 3 days
Conduct science experiments, create art projects, mix-up and bake snacks, explore the woods & meadow, play games, make friends, and have an all-around great time!
Mon-Wed. July 1-3, 9:30-3:30 - $288
West Sound Academy is located on 20 acres of woods & meadows at: 16571 Creative Dr NE, Poulsbo, WA 98370 just off Hwy 305, halfway between Bainbridge Island and downtown Poulsbo. Easy pick-up, drop-off, and parking.
Click here for Poulsbo Parks & Recreation registration page.Click on Youth Programs - scroll to Youth Camps - scroll to Curiosity Camps with Tim Lowell - register