Everybody likes making bubbles, but concocting the best bubble mix takes a scientist. This activity lets everyone take part in the science of measuring and mixing of the bub- ble potion as well as the fun of making and frolicking with bubbles.
I do this activity quite often so I keep a large selection of durable plastic bubble wands handy. You can add a building/creating dimension to the project by constructing your own wands. You will find many good instructions for this online. If you are really spartan in your supply budget, have the children dip hands in the soap mix and blow bubbles through their fingers. Some people love to do this and some will be repelled by getting anything sticky on their hands.
Blue Dawn dish soap * Water * Glycerin or clear corn syrup
Plastic cups for measuring * a pitcher for mixing * a pan to dip bubble wands into * Bubble wands
Click on the images below to see the items at Amazon. I have tried to pick links with the best value and price from Amazon but you might want to search a bit for the price and quantities that suit your needs.

1. Mix one-part Blue Dawn dish soap with four parts water (distilled is best but tap water is fine too). Use approximately 1-2 tablespoon (s) of glycerin for every cup of soap.
1. Divide your group into teams of 4-6 people.
2. Give each team a measuring cup, a mixing container and something to stir with.
3. Have them divide the measuring jobs so each team member participates.
4. Measure and pour four parts water into the container; four people can each put a part in the mixing container.
5. Measure and pour one part soap with the water.
6. Walk around with the glycerin and a spoon, allowing team members to put the correct amount of glycerin in the mixture.
7. Have each team member give five gentle stirs to the mix; keep foam to a minimum.
8. Pour the mix into the large communal storage container or right into a bubble tray or whatever you are using to put your bubble wands in.
9. Go outside and have fun.
10. We often adhere to the guideline that you can only pop your own bubbles unless someone has given you per- mission to pop theirs.
Proper measuring and mixing is always important to bubble science. The inside of a bubble is made of air while the skin has three layers: an outside layer of soap, an inside layer of soap and a layer of water in between the soap layers. Your bubble pops when the water layer evaporates. Warmer weather makes your bubble pop quicker. A bubble becomes round because its stretchy “skin” is trying to contract—the air pressure inside is pushing against the “skin” in all direc- tions equally. Glycerin and corn syrup make stronger bubbles because they slow down the evaporation of water in the bubble layer.
Preschool science version: Mixing, 15-20 minutes; playing with bubbles, 15-40 minutes
Have five children in each group. Explain measures and ratios by having 4four students each pour a measure of soap into a container and have one student pour one measure of water. The mixture is made up of five parts soap and water. If you need more bubble mix, do it twice; repetition helps build knowledge. With very young children, it is best for the teacher to add glycerin or corn syrup to avoid messes.
Go outside with your mix and have bubble fun!
Molecules, surface tension, evaporation, air temperature, ratios, measure